Paula Fraschia
Paula Fraschia, Namibia
Bio: Paula is Namibian citizen living in Italy since 2019. She holds a Master in International Law from the University of Cape Town and a Master of Science in Comparative Law in Economics and Finance from the International University College of Turin IUC. Paula currently works for the IUC as an Associate Researcher and as a Law Lecturer for the Migrants’ Rights Legal Clinic. She is also a member of the European Network for Migrant Women, the Migration Network for Germany and Mosaico Azioni per I Rifugiati.
Paula continues to lead many art and cultural initiatives that addresses social development issues such as integration as an example, by creating inclusive platforms between refugees and locals through music and dance. She is a vocal art activist and has organised several workshops on “Refugee Law meets Art” at the University of Turin, the University of Milan, the University Federico II in Naples, University of Liverpool, for the Migration Network in Germany, for the European Network for Clinical Legal Education ENCLE and the the Global Alliance for Justice Education GAJE.
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