Shaping Change: Migrant Women's Journies

Text and photos by Fardina Salehi

About 40% of the refugees residing in Germany are women and girls, making up nearly half of the foreign migrants. Women who are refugees or migrants face discrimination in a variety of ways, including violent oppression and persecution by patriarchal, racist, and sexualised groups as well as restrictive immigration and residency regulations.

Massive barriers stand in their way: unclear residency status, unsuitable camp housing, limited access to healthcare, education, and employment opportunities. What is more, many women encounter violence and sexual harassment.

These images demonstrate the assistance and cooperation of migrant women in a variety of ways. They work to promote networking, community development, and the improvement of pre-existing knowledge and abilities.

Although immigrant women attempt to participate actively in a variety of social spheres, many of them struggle with a lack of understanding and information regarding their ability to vote in EU elections.

Informing immigrant women about the elections through a variety of educational initiatives in many settings, including colleges, universities, and other educational and social courses, would be very beneficial.

Facing significant challenges, including discrimination, violence, and barriers to accessing essential services, women refugees and migrants in Germany represent a vital but under-represented group within the European Union. Their unique experiences underscore the urgent need for inclusive democratic participation.

Many of these women are unaware of their right to vote in EU elections, making it crucial to empower them through educational initiatives. Your vote is crucial in this endeavour, serving as a powerful tool to influence policies that directly affect their lives. By supporting efforts that facilitate their active participation, YOU help ensure that the voices of these women are heard. On June 6-9 2024, your vote can help shape a more inclusive, equitable, and just European Union for everyone, emphasising the importance of every vote in creating a society that values diversity and upholds the dignity of all its members.