Identità migranti

23-24 of February AGENCY Changemakers Yoselina Guevara Lopez, Hadia and Tahamina Ibrahim Khel, Paula Doyle Fraschia and Fatima Zahara El Harch will take part in the “Identità Migranti” event in Turin, Italy.

Migrant Identity – Narratives, territories and communities” is a cultural initiative that will take place on 23 and 24 February at the Centro Incontro di Corso Casale 212 and which sees the participation of twenty social realities that operate at the territorial, city, provincial but also national level, dealing with migration, combating labor exploitation and the caporalato, reception and redemption paths.

ACMOS, born in 1999, is a non-religious and non-partisan association of Turin (Italy). Its aim is to promote and encourage civic participation of young people in their environment, thus contributing to the spread of the values and the practices of active citizenship. Its work is based on the active involvement of young people, on the promotion of their cultural and social development and on non formal education as a vehicle for social inclusion and respect for differences.

For more information on the event, visit the website.